Azure Power BI Snowflake

Power BI Snowflake SSO

The first step in configuring SSO between Power BI and Snowflake, is to configure Snowflake for AAD in Azure Active Directory.  Head over to Azure AD and select Enterprise Applications from the located under manage on the menu.  After opening Enterprise applications, click + New Application and search for Snowflake.

If you’d like to customize the name for the Snowflake integration, that is possible at this point.  Make any name changes and then click Create.

Next, in the Snowflake for AAD properties window, we will want to Assign a User or Group.  In our test scenario, we will assign a single user.  Click 1. Assign users and groups, selecting a user to use in Snowflake.

Azure Power BI

Data in space

Data in space is an augmented reality technology. It’s really cool, you can pin reports in real world space.


  1. Azure Portal
  2. Power BI Admin Portal

Pin a Report

Reports can be pinned in space.